Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Crazy morning turned into a good afternoon!

So this morning I woke up with a horrible headache.. I think it is sinus pressure. Thought I would hardly be able to function today. I made myself a cup of hot tea to wash down the meds when the girls started waking up.
This is how my day got a little more exciting. Went to Adelyn because she was fussing, she was VERY warm. I took her temperature and it said it was 100. UGhhh.. then saw happy Emma had a little clothing malfunction. Her diaper was hanging open.. poop EVERYWHERE! All over her, in her toes, all over the sheet, her stuffed animals. BARF. So I had to give them a bath immidiately. Although then the poop was smeared all over the bathroom floor, like she was slipping around. She even got it on the wall.

Luckily family stopped by for a few minutes to help with the situation, or else I would be freaking out. So suddenly my head didn't hurt so much when I had other things to focus on.

It's funny how that works, the junk doesn't seem so horrible once you stop meditating on it. There are other things in life other then the junk we focus on. Or maybe someone else is going through something a lot harder than you. Take time to help someone out in their times of need and God will take care of your needs!

So I rushed to get the girls bathed, dressed, and over to nanas so I could go teach for 4 hours.

Even though I still wasn't feeling well, it was a great afternoon. I love my homeschool crowd. They are so encouraging. When I got home I had 2 new students wanting to enroll just from today. I have had many students enroll in dance this past week. I normally don't have a big crowd of new students in January, but we love meeting new people! Bring it on Jesus!

Waiting for momma to get home! Guess which child is the one who had a poop party in her bed!

So, chaotic morning turned into great afternoon. God provides.

Note to self- Put pants of child so they don't take off their diaper! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

The countdown begins...

Last night I was reminded that If I could think of a time God has been most evident in my life, it would be during my pregnancy. Although, I think I notice this more looking back then I did while I was going through it, but isn't that normally how it goes? :)

Having twins, as my first doctor let me know, can be a very scary and dangerous thing. She had me going to high risk specialist and put more of a fear in me then excitement of being pregnant. TWINS! HOW COOL! That is what everyone reaction was, but that's not how I felt.  Insurance changed which she did not accept so I was rushing to find a new doctor almost done with my first trimester. This at the time seemed so stressful, but I know God was just moving me around :)

I only had about a week of "morning sickness" which really was all day sickness, but only threw up 2 times my whole pregnancy. TMI? Maybe, but I am getting to a point.

I never had early labor, contractions, high blood pressure, and of that scary stuff. My doctor said I was boring. I see now that is a good thing :)

Had healthy baby girls, They are now sleeping through the night (thank the Lord) and they sleep in till 8am.

So long story short, God knows I needed girls, I don't know what to do with boys, I am surrounded by little girls every day! He knows I needed a good doctor that was confident with twins and never put a hint of worry inside of me. He knew I don't handle barfing and sickness well. He knows I need my beauty sleep and can't wake up before 8 am :)

No, I am not bragging, sometimes we need to make a list of the good things in our life that God is doing rather then constantly focus on the things that are not going as YOU have planned. ( I was NOT planning on having twins!).  Then maybe we will see that God is actually working in our life rather then deserting us.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (The Message)

5 Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.6 Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.
The countdown begins.. The girls first birthday will be here before I know it!  They are both walking now, and learning how to whistle :) They have very different personalities. Just because they are twins does not mean they have to be the same all the time! They are two different people, just happened to be born at the same time :) Still to this day I say to myself everyday,  "I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TWINS!"

We found these headbands in an envelope at my grandmas house after she had passed away.She never got to meet them, but she gave them a special gift :)

I have realized that God gives something special to moms. Momma Instinct! I am learning to ACT on it quickly rather then thinking to myself and trying to talk myself out of it being a worry wart. I have learned what happens when you don't act on it.. :( and what happens when you do! Anyways,  Mommas- don't ever feel like you are over thinking something, or let someone talk to out of what you feel is right. You know your babies best! Some call it instinct.. but some also call it Gods voice. No matter what you call it.. listen to it!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Update- 9 months!

I know I said once I move into my own house I would blog more often, but life is busier then ever!

In October we moved into a beautiful home, perfect for my family! We are so blessed! Our house came with a hot tub so that has come in handy as the weather gets colder and colder. Although I can't get in it as much as I'd like because I have 2 little ones that are now ALL over the place! And when they are sleeping, I either want to be sleeping or am cleaning up the mess they made. We are still settling in, I am sure this will take a while. At least now I can fit my car in the garage!

The girls are 9 months now. I can't believe it! Time goes by so fast! I am already missing those moments when I could just hold them all bundled up. The first week we moved in Adelyn pulled herself up for the first time! We were so excited. Now they not only pull themselves up and walk everywhere (holding onto something) they are now starting to stand by themselves. They will be walking in no time!

So, everyone asks me how different they are, or how I tell them apart. Well they change almost monthly, so I can't always go by "so and so is the outgoing one". Currently Emmalyn has been quite the comedian. She just laughs and smiles ALL the time. She's been hilarious lately. But a few months ago I was getting concerned about her because she would never smile and Ade was the one who was always smiley. So Emma's the comedian right now and Ade likes her space :) Emma is very touchy, Ade is not. Emma wants to crawl all over her sister but Ade wants nothing to do with it. Adelyn LOVES to make noise and press buttons. She was into her nanas pots and pans yesterday and figured out how to play them like the drums. She was probably in heaven because it was LOUD! She also learned how to press the button to make the sleeping santa at nanas to start snoring. She liked that too! :)

I try to embrace every moment with them because each milestone has come and gone so quickly. I try to look at my messy house and think well obviously my girls gets lots of love and play time with their momma :) They are only this small for a short while. We are excited to have our first Christmas as a family!
Ade girl

Emma standing by herself
A few weeks ago I attended a Christian dance convention in Dallas and took a few of my dancers. It was a awesome weekend. Teachers don't always get the chance to TAKE classes, but the classes they had were so refreshing ( and painful!) It was so great to get back in classes. They also had performances that were just so inspiring. It is so great to see dance the way it was intended to be used, to glorify God! And in EXCELLENCE! People think that "church dance" is not very good, but these dancers were the most beautiful dancers I have seen. Oh, and by the way, Kent from So You Think You Can Dance was there! It was awesome to see him using his dance for a higher purpose!

The holiday season has kicked off and I am officially VERY busy, till about the week before Christmas. Today on my agenda is to make 9 tutus for my dancers, 9 bows, and then I think I need to make 8 more different bows. So I better get off of here! Luckily I have a friend coming over to help, and our girls will have a little play date. It's their first, I hope they play nice! :)

No matter how exhausted and busy you are these next few weeks, make sure to get lots of cuddles and kisses in there for your kids!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hello Monday- Great busy weekend!

So, as I have said in the past, I used to cry on Sunday nights knowing that Monday was just a few hours away. Monday meant all my help over the weekend was going back to school/work and I would be on my own during the days. 2 babies vs 1 momma was very scary for me.

Now Mondays aren't that dramatic anymore. It's more like ok, here goes another week. I can do this. Started off good because I woke up first, and the babies slept in. There is just something about that that makes the day go a lot smoother! Then got both girls bathed so we can start this week  fresh!

I now go into Mondays thinking I am super woman and have a list of things I want to accomplish. So instead of bumming myself out when I don't get them done, I just think well I have the cutest little girls who had lots of love and play time this week, heard lots of giggles, got baths and cuddle time, and fed well. And that's really all that matters. :)

My girls may be on overload from this past week. We never really get out of the house besides for church or dropping them off at their nana and papas while I go work. But this week we took them out to Mazzio's buffet for lunch. Bryan and I couldn't remember the last time we went out to eat with the girls and just the two of us. Never happens. But we were SO proud of them! I found myself starting to eat really fast because I knew they were just going to blow! But they sat in the big girl highchairs and was just so fascinated with everything going on around them. Emmalyn never made a peep, Adelyn got a little restless towards the end but still did very well. We were proud parents :)
Emma is observing, Ade is eating her toy :) num num

Then, Friday during the day me and the girls went out with another momma and her girl just a month older then mine and went to the Brush Creek Bizarre. It was so nice to get out of the house, and spend time with another mom. The place was NOT stroller friendly though. It was extremely hilly and bumpy. It was probably funny watching us try to haul the strollers through that place. At one point a lady came behind me to help push me up the hill! But it was fun time.

Then on Saturday we took the girls shopping. Stopping at a few different stores and the girls did awesome. They shopped till they dropped. And also enjoyed our all church picnic Saturday night. And then shopped again on Sunday!
playing together at the end of a busy weekend

So all in all, the girls had a VERY busy weekend, but did fantastic! I think a new page has turned and I won't have to be such a hermit anymore! :)

Friday, September 9, 2011


Well I must say it's been an interesting couple weeks. This week, me and my girls have bad allergies so it's been a pretty cruddy week. We all just want to be held and cuddled. :)  They have been having a hard time napping, and crying a lot. Luckily my mom has helped this week. It's not easy by myself. Tylenol has been our best friend and we all can't wait till it's all over!

Just found out we are closing on our house the day after my birthday! Woohoo! We are very excited. I can't wait till we can get in there and paint, and make it our own. It's going to be great!

I have been getting ready stuff to sell in the Tulsa Moms of Multiples sale. It's my first time selling. That has been pretty emotional going through all the girls stuff they don't fit into anymore or use. I have shed a few tears through the whole process :) Even today loading things up. I left things at home I wasn't ready to part with. Now we just need to get the girls some winter clothes! I hope I find some good stuff tonight.

Labor day we attempted to go to the zoo. After waiting an hour in traffic and it was probably going to be an hour more till we parked, we decided to just go to the park. My girls love the outdoors! We had a little picnic. They were super cute sporting their skinny jeans, ballerina shirts, and cutie sunglasses. I love having little girls to dress up.

I was thinking the other day how their first 3 months of life they HATED being in a car seat. They would just scream the whole entire time. I would dread going anywhere. I realized now they have grown out of that and that I survived that and now they are growing up! Also they are starting to entertain themselves more so I don't have to be with them every second. Adelyns favorite toy is the jumperoo, she goes crazy in that thing. Emmas favorite is the walker that goes around in circles. She will literally RUN in that thing. One time their auntie put a soccer ball in front of her and she would kick it around in circles :)

So I would say I am to the point where people said it would get easier (around 6 months) and I am relieved. I do miss them being so teeny tiny, but they sure are a lot more fun now :)

Once we get into our new house and the computer is not in the babies room I will be able to update more often. I have creative projects I am excited to start and show you. But until then, enjoy this beautiful weather, and your family!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hello September!

Ok, so I have a minute to write a post. Both girls are up, but playing with eachother in the crib. This will have to be quick! :)

So I am SO excited for September. A lot of good things will be happening! Cooler temperatures, season premieres, and not to mention closing on our first house! Yes, we found one, and it was a God thing.

I was to the point where I was sick of looking and thought I would never find one, EVER. We looked at a house in a neighborhood but wasn't in love with it. On the way out, down in a cul de sac (which are fantastic) my mom saw a "for sale by owner" at a price WAY below what we have been looking at.  I didn't want to leave my realtor behind so we just gave our realtor the information and she called asking if they would be willing to work with out realtor. The owner said they didn't mind so we wanted to make an appointment. I kept debating and was like I dont want to waste anymore of our realtors time if its not the one. They were having an open house on Sunday anyways so Ill just look at it then. My mom said "No! you have to look at it before anyone else!" I wasn't sure because I knew it didnt have vaulted ceilings and that's what I grew up with. So anyways, called realtor back, and went to look at it. Loved the house, the location, the neighborhood and not to mention the PRICE! So we took our family back that evening to look at it, then wrote an offer that nigh, and got a call at 10pm saying she accepted! Also, the lady is leaving the fridge, and the washer and dryer behind which is great because we don't have any of that! Oh, did I mention there is a hot tub? :) Anyways! Inspections went great yesterday. The seller, our realtor, and our family all think its a God thing. So that's a great thing! So pray for smooth sailing ahead!

Although last night I was thinking, We are going to need a vacuum, a lawn mower..... ect. Oh well, these things will come! At least we will have our own house!

Also, the next day found TEETH in my girls mouth!  Both of them! And that was their 6 month birthday!
Can't see the teeth in this picture, but she sure was proud! (Adelyn 6 months old)

Then after September, only comes my favorite month of the year! I am excited, good things happening!

I can't wait to start some new projects for my girls! Stopped at the fabric store yesterday. Stay tuned!

Ready for the fall, so long summer! Gotta go,  the girls are now bothering each other! :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hello all!

I've got Adelyn here on my lap, she is helping me right my blog today.

The girls are 5 months now and just TOO CUTE! They are grabbing for everything, even each others hair bows and ears! :) They enjoy playing and sleeping. Emma is holding her bottle and likes eating like a big girl from her spoon, and Adelyn likes to sit back and be fed (shes the baby) well acts like it... Adelyn is actually older (by a minute!)

They love holding hands, it's so sweet!

We are all trying to stay cool, stuck in the house. I know they want to go outside so bad, but that will have to wait till its cooler! well its hard typing with one hand so I better go!

Continue to pray for us to get a house!